
20206-20220 of 22385 Articles
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Campaigners from The Turn Off The Red Light coalition met in Dublin yesterday to urge the Government to avoid further delay in passing the Criminal Justice (Sexual Offences) Bill which would criminalise the purchase of sex as Northern Ireland did last year. The coalition, representing 70 organisatio

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Gurkha soldiers who complained that their pension entitlements had been less favourable than those of non-Gurkha soldiers in the British Army and those of younger Gurkha soldiers who had more years of service after 1 July 1997 suffered no violation of article 14 (prohibition of discrimination) read

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Gurkha soldiers who complained that their pension entitlements had been less favourable than those of non-Gurkha soldiers in the British Army and those of younger Gurkha soldiers who had more years of service after 1 July 1997 suffered no violation of article 14 (prohibition of discrimination) read

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Irish Rule of Law International (IRLI) was delighted to host dinner yesterday evening in Kings Inns for Madam DPP Mrs.Kachale and Malawian Prosecutors Ms Chimwaza & Mr Namanja.

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Paul McGarry Car insurers, who have hiked premiums by 70 per cent over the last three years and sought to place the blame on motorists and lawyers, are to be investigated by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission amid concerns that they are operating an illegal cartel.

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The Brazilian Supreme Court has ruled that there is no legal reason for further delays in extraditing former solicitor Michael Lynn to Ireland to face over two dozen charges relating to the collapse of his property and law business with debts of 80 million Euros to 10 different financial businesses.

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In the Grand Chamber judgment in the case of Ibrahim and Others v. the United Kingdom, the European Court of Human Rights has held, by 15 votes to two, that there had been no violation of the rights of three applicants (Mr Ibrahim, Mr Mohammed and Mr Omar) under Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (c) (right to

20206-20220 of 22385 Articles