
22141-22155 of 22402 Articles
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A man found guilty of murdering Dubliner David White by repeated stabbing has lost his appeal against the Central Criminal Court’s 2013 conviction and life sentence. Judges in the Court of Appeal rejected the appellant’s numerous grounds for appeal, including allegations that the trial judge had

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A restaurant company seeking to appeal the dismissal of a professional negligence case against a solicitor and barrister has been told to put up an €80,000 security. The Court of Appeal yesterday ruled that Rayan Restaurant Ltd must put up €40,528 to cover the costs of each of the two defendants

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Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has proposed a law to allow An Garda Síochána to enter private dwellings in order to arrest asylum seekers who have been subjected to a deportation order.

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Mike Harris, partner in cyber security services The Irish and Northern Ireland economies are losing almost £500 million (€700m) a year due to cybercrime, according to a new report published by global accountancy firm Grant Thornton.

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Taoiseach Enda Kenny — Photo: European People's Party, CC-BY 2.0 The Government of Ireland is considering emergency legislation to break a legal deadlock preventing the Commission of Investigation from completing its investigation into the wind-up of the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC).

22141-22155 of 22402 Articles