NI: Adult protection consultation launched after high-profile safeguarding failures

Robin Swann
Proposals to place adult safeguarding on a statutory footing have gone out for consultation.
The consultation comes in the wake of last year’s scandal around safeguarding failings, including allegations of abuse, at Muckamore Abbey Hospital and Dunmurry Manor Care Home.
Writing in the foreword of the consultation document, Health Minister Robin Swann said the failings there had made it “clear that there is a need to review and improve our adult safeguarding policy”.
The consultation will run for 12 weeks until midnight on 11 March 2021.
Mr Swann said: “The launch of this consultation marks a significant step forward in placing adult safeguarding on a statutory footing.
“Thankfully the challenge of dealing with abuse, exploitation or neglect is something the majority of us do not have to deal with. There are however some adults who are at significant risk of harm and it for those people that I want improved safeguarding arrangements put in place.”
He added: “This is the opportunity for everyone to have their voices heard. This is an issue that can affect all in society and I encourage everyone to make their views known on this important subject.
“Responses to this consultation will inform the development of a new Adult Protection Bill, which will put our reformed policy on a statutory footing.”