Alex Salmond to be awarded with TCD accolade

Alex Salmond
Alex Salmond

Scotland’s former First Minister, Alex Salmond MP, is set to be presented with the Praeses Elit Award by the Trinity College Dublin (TCD) Law Society later today.

The prominent politician, who became a member of the UK’s House of Commons in May following his resignation as First Minister in November 2014, will also speak to students and sign copies of his autobiography, The Dream Shall Never Die.

Mr Salmond is the longest-serving First Minister of Scotland, having been in the role from 2003-14 and rising to UK-wide prominence at the height of the Scottish independence referendum campaign last year.

He will join the likes of Lord Neuburger, president of the UK Supreme Court, and Louise Arbour, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in receiving the university society’s highest accolade.

Kean Kavanagh of TCD Law Society told Scottish newspaper The National: “Mr Salmond has an outstanding record in public service, and commanded global headlines in recent years as he spearheaded the fight for Scottish independence.

“We are delighted and honoured to welcome him to the Law Society, and to present him with the Praeses Elit as recognition of his outstanding career.”

The event takes place at 7.30pm tonight in the Graduates Memorial Building (GMB) at Trinity College Dublin.

Doors open at 7.15 pm and entry is limited to those with TCD Law Society membership. It is possible to purchase membership for €3 at the door.

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