NI: Almost £2 million of criminal assets seized in organised crime crackdown

NI: Almost £2 million of criminal assets seized in organised crime crackdown

Anthony Harbinson (left) at
the OCTF report launch

Almost £2 million of criminal assets were seized in Northern Ireland in 2017/18, according to the Organised Crime Task Force’s (OCTF) latest annual report.

Compared with last year, the seizure of illegal drugs is up by almost 24 per cent and the number of organised crime groups (OCGs) dismantled, frustrated, or disrupted is up by around 42 per cent.

The OCTF annual report for 2017/18 states that 36 potential victims of modern slavery were rescued and overall £1.9 million of criminal assets were recovered.

Since the establishment of the PSNI’s asset confiscation and enforcement (ACE) Team in 2017, there has been a 150 per cent rise in the number of PSNI restraints put in place and a 50 per cent increase in the number of PSNI confiscation orders granted by the courts.

Anthony Harbinson, director of safer communities at the Department of Justice, said: “The operational successes highlighted this year speak for themselves; 183 Organised Crime Groups dismantled, frustrated, or disrupted; almost 7,000 separate drugs seizures; 36 potential victims of modern slavery recovered from exploitation; and almost £2million of criminal assets recovered from convicted offenders and reinvested for the benefit of local communities.

“Significant progress is also being made in protecting individuals and businesses against cybercrime. The new purpose-built PSNI Cyber Crime Centre is just one addition which will help enhance the PSNI’s forensic and investigative capabilities.

“Ultimately, to end the harm that is caused by organised crime and paramilitarism we need a whole-societal response. I call on everyone to play their role in making Northern Ireland a safe place where we respect the law and each other by reporting crime and suspicious activity to the police.”

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