NI: Amnesty calls for undercover policing inquiry to be extended to Northern Ireland

Grainne Teggart
Grainne Teggart

Amnesty International has called on the UK government to extend the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) to Northern Ireland.

It follows calls from the Scottish Justice Secretary to extend the terms of reference to look at the activity of English and Welsh police units in Scotland.

Grainne Teggart, Amnesty’s Northern Ireland campaigns manager, said: “Northern Ireland must not be left behind due to the ongoing absence of government ministers advocating in our interests.

“Activities of undercover police were not limited to England and Wales, so nor should the inquiry. Two previous Justice Ministers have called for the extension of the Inquiry which we believe must now happen urgently.

“Given the potential significant implications for legacy investigations, this is all the more important. The need for full transparency and accountability of policing in Northern Ireland must not be compromised.”

Jason Kirkpatrick, an activist targeted by the Metropolitan Police and the National Public Order Intelligence Unit, is engaged in a legal challenge to force the inquiry to be extended to Northern Ireland, and is supporting similar proceedings in Scotland.

Ms Teggart said: “Victims, such as Jason, should not have to take to the courts to have their rights realised.

“Those affected deserve nothing less than the truth around covert operations that violated trust, privacy and intimacy.”

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