And finally… can it

A criminal defence lawyer who defecated in a Pringles can and then tossed the soiled vessel into the car park of a victims’ charity has been suspended from practice.

Ohio attorney Jack A. Blakeslee admitted throwing the can from his car window on his way to a court hearing in 2021, but denied deliberately targeting the charity, reports.

He bizarrely told Ohio Supreme Court that he had previously thrown Pringles cans full of faeces from his car — at nothing in particular, he insisted — on at least 10 occasions.

Understandably pressed to explain why, Mr Blakeslee said it “was kind of like a release” and he enjoyed imagining the look on people’s faces after finding them.

He also suggested it could also be interpreted as “a protest of some kind”, though when asked what he was protesting, only said: “Well, we all protest something.”

The Ohio Supreme Court suspended Mr Blakeslee’s law licence for one year, with the last six months stayed if he keeps to good conduct.

The court said: “Blakeslee failed to control his own bizarre impulses to place feces-filled cans out in public for unsuspecting people to find. His aberrant conduct has adversely reflected on his own fitness to practice law and brought discredit to the profession through significant media attention.”

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