And finally… hogwash express
A university has begun offering a course on the law and judicial system of Harry Potter.
The module is entitled “An Interface between Fantasy Fiction Literature and Law: Special Focus on Rowling’s Potterverse” and students are only eligible to sit the course if they have read all the Harry Potter books twice – though it is unclear how this will be verified.
One topic on the course at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences in India is “Contracts and Agency in Potterverse (including Unbreakable Vows, Agents of Good or Servants of Evil, express will and loyalty, Snape and the Order of Phoenix, Dumbledore’s Man through and through)”.
Course organiser Shouvik Guha told Legally India: “I […] believe that a teacher should always push the boundaries, instead of growing too comfortable or complacent.
“As should every student. This course is partly meant to do exactly that. Hopefully, it should make students think a little and be creative in the application of the legal principle that they know or will learn, to literary scenarios they are personally fond of and interested in.”