And finally… Liberty cries foul

An English local authority courted anger from human rights advocates after banning swearing in part of the city centre frequented by football fans.

Salford City Council passed a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which deems it a criminal offence to use “foul and abusive language” at Salford Quays.

Thousands of football fans use the waterfront as a route to and from the Old Trafford football stadium.

Anyone caught breaching the rules is liable for a fixed penalty notice of £90 or a summons with a maximum penalty of £1,000 on conviction.

The swearing rules were backed by 76 per cent of 130 residents in a local vote.

But human rights group Liberty says the council has breached the right to freedom of expression by criminalising offensive speech.

A defiant council spokesperson insisted to ITV News that it was “not going to apologise for using national legislation to help Salford residents when their lives are being made a misery by anti-social behaviour”.

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