And finally… where’s the beef?

A police officer responding to reports of a cow loose on the motorway quickly established its whereabouts when he hit it with his car.

Daniel Steven Schulz, 30, was searching for the cow at around 10pm on Monday and unexpectedly encountered it fifteen minutes later.

The incident report records: “As the deputy was making a second pass through the area, the cow ran out of the ditch and the vehicle struck it.”

The cow, which had escaped from a nearby farm, was killed.

Mr Schulz’s car was totalled and he was sent to hospital with non-threatening incidents, Kanabec County Sheriff Brian Smith said.

Mr Smith told Minnesota’s St. Paul Pioneer Press: “I’d have to say this is the first time I’ve ever had hit the animal they’re looking for. But then again, that’s exactly why we go look for them.

“I’ve been to too many serious accidents and even fatalities caused by livestock on the road.”

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