Bar teams up with Charities Regulator to provide seminar for charity board members

Paul McGarry SC
Paul McGarry SC

The Bar of Ireland and the Charities Regulator are holding a free seminar for charity secretaries and trustees on Thursday 25 January to provide them with information and training about their legal responsibilities as board members.

Good governance, the qualities that make a good director and crisis management are among the topics to be covered, along with legal obligations for board members under relevant legislation.

Paul McGarry SC, chairman of the Council of The Bar of Ireland, said: “The charity sector has gone through enormous change and transformation in the last couple of years, so we are running this seminar to empower trustees and secretaries with the confidence and skills that they need to ensure that their chosen charities are operated in the most appropriate and efficient way.

“Ireland is renowned worldwide for its charitable nature, but the sector here has been hit with some significant challenges in the last 12 months and trustees, as the people ultimately accountable, have come under considerable pressure.”

Mr McGarry added: “Through our Voluntary Assistance Scheme, The Bar of Ireland does a lot of pro bono work with the charity sector and we are very familiar with the dedication of their board members. Without them and their commitment, which is provided for the most part for no remuneration whatsoever, the charity sector could not survive, so we are running this seminar to assist them and support them in the very worthy and necessary that they do.”

John Farrelly, chief executive of the Charities Regulator, said: “Well informed and engaged trustees are the key to a vibrant charity. We are committed to working with them and supporting them through the provision of information and guidance. Good people doing good work should be supported. It is incumbent on trustees and secretaries to be aware of their responsibilities and we are delighted to be partnering with The Bar of Ireland on this seminar to provide detailed insights into the relevant aspects of common law and the Charities Act.”

The Charities Regulator will contact charities directly regarding registration for the event, which will take place in Distillery Building on Church Street on Wednesday 25 January.

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