Call for immediate repeal of drugs law

A legislative provision criminalising the possession of drugs should be immediately repealed following the conclusion of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use, a group of Oireachtas members has said.
Senator Lynn Ruane, TDs Neasa Hourigan and Aodhán Ó Ríordáin and a number of experts in addiction and criminal justice have signed a statement calling for the immediate repeal of section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977.
“This law represents an ongoing and significant source of damaging stigma for people who used drugs,” the statement says.
“The first step towards achieving the recommendations of the Assembly is the repeal of section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act. Making this simple change to our laws also represents an essential next step towards the overarching recommendation of the Assembly: a comprehensive health-led approach to drug use.”
It states that the “process of repealing section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act must begin immediately, so that the new legal framework can develop alongside and align with other ongoing legal reforms”.
The government has indicated that it will not take any legislative action until the Citizens’ Assembly’s report has been considered by a new Oireachtas committee, which could take up to nine months.