Chief Justice ‘seriously concerned’ after Mr Justice Woulfe’s third meeting postponement

Chief Justice Frank Clarke
Chief Justice Frank Clarke has voiced “very serious concern” about the damage being caused by the ongoing golfgate saga after embattled Supreme Court judge Mr Justice Séamus Woulfe postponed their planned meeting for a third time.
The former Attorney General was originally due to meet Chief Justice Clarke last Monday 5 October, but sought a postponement the previous night for “personal reasons”.
The meeting had been rearranged for Friday 9 October, but was then pushed back to Tuesday 13 October following a request for further postponement on medical grounds.
The Chief Justice has now “very reluctantly” agreed to make “one final postponement” following a third request on grounds which have not been made clear.
A spokesperson for the Chief Justice said yesterday: “The Chief Justice and a colleague of the Supreme Court were due to meet Mr Justice Woulfe and a judicial colleague of his choice today. At the request of Mr Justice Woulfe’s colleague, the Chief Justice and Mr Justice O’Donnell met with that colleague.
“Mr Justice Woulfe, through his colleague, requested a further postponement of the meeting. As a result of what was said at that meeting, the Chief Justice has indicated that, very reluctantly, he is prepared to make one final postponement of the proposed meeting until Thursday.
“The Chief Justice has indicated his very serious concern as to the damage which the continuation of this process is causing. The Chief Justice has made it clear that, should the meeting not go ahead as scheduled on Thursday, he will make alternative arrangements to convey his final views on the process to Mr Justice Woulfe.”