Consultation seeks views on devolution of tax powers to Northern Ireland

Conor Murphy
A public consultation has been launched to seek views on greater fiscal devolution to Northern Ireland.
The consultation, which follows the publication of a report on greater powers by the Fiscal Commission in May 2022, will run until Tuesday 29 November 2022.
Northern Ireland’s finance minister, Conor Murphy, said: “The Executive is responsible for less than £1 in every £20 of tax revenue raised locally. As a result the Executive is hugely dependent on a block grant which is being squeezed by Westminster, threatening the sustainability of our public services.
“The Scottish and Welsh governments have more control over their tax affairs and it is time for a mature discussion on the potential benefits of greater control over taxation here.
“This discussion is all the more vital given that the Westminster government is embarking on a course of massive tax breaks for the wealthy which will reduce funding for public services and create more inequality.”
He added: “The Fiscal Commission’s report has started a conversation around what additional fiscal powers could be provided to an Executive to allow locally elected ministers to set taxes in line with local needs and circumstances.
“While it will be for an incoming finance minister to bring recommendations on this matter to a restored Executive, it is important that the public has its say. I encourage individuals, businesses and civic society to contribute to the consultation.”