Court delay compensation prioritised in legislative programme

Court delay compensation prioritised in legislative programme

Legislation providing for statutory compensation for unreasonable trial delays is among bills prioritised for publication in the new parliamentary session.

The Court Proceedings (Delays) Bill will introduce a right to compensation for breaches of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Along with the Criminal Justice (Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking) Bill and the Criminal Justice (Engagement of Children in Criminal Activity) Bill, it is one of three bills under the “justice” heading which are identified as priorities for publication in the spring legislative programme.

Other bills prioritised for publication this session include the Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services (Safe Access Zones)) Bill, which will provide for protest-free zones around abortion providers, and the Planning and Development Bill, which follows a 15-month review of the planning system led by the Office of the Attorney General.

Bills prioritised for drafting this session include the Garda Síochána (Powers) Bill, which will codify police powers of search, arrest and detention and procedural rights of suspects; the Inspection of Places of Detention Bill, which will provide for inspection of all places of detention; the Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence Agency Bill which will create a new government agency; and the Sale of Alcohol Bill, which will codify the law relating to the sale and consumption of alcohol.

Hildegarde Naughton, the government’s chief whip, said: “This is a busy schedule of important bills across a range of areas including housing, health, environment, justice and social protection.

“The timely progression of priority legislation in the weeks ahead will equip government with the necessary legal means required to address some of the key challenges currently facing society.

“Our aim through the legislation programme for the coming Dáil term is to continue to protect the squeezed middle during the ongoing cost of living crisis and continue to take further action on housing to ensure that those who want to own their own home have the option to do so, particularly those in their 20s and 30s.

“The legislation programme also further delivers on the commitments contained in the programme for government.”

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