Criminal injuries compensation scheme to temporarily allow very late applications

Victims of criminal injuries as far back as nearly two decades ago can, for the next 12 months, submit late applications to the criminal injuries compensation scheme.
A technical change concerning the submission of late applications to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal came into effect yesterday, 31 January 2024, and will last for a period of 12 months.
Applications to the tribunal generally need to be submitted within three months of the event giving rise to the injury.
Late applications submitted up to two years after the fact can be accepted if the circumstances are judged to justify exceptional treatment.
For the next 12 months, applicants who were criminally injured in the time period after 30 June 2005 and before 20 April 2021 may also submit a late application.
These applications will still only be accepted for consideration if the tribunal believes exceptional circumstances exist which justifies a late application. Applicants must explain the delay on their application form.
Where the applicant was a minor at the time of the event giving rise to the criminally-inflicted injury, the time limits commence from when they turned 18.
More information is available from the website.