Cuan board meets for first time

Cuan board meets for first time

The board of Cuan, the new domestic, sexual and gender based violence agency, has convened for the first time.

Chaired by Professor Caroline Fennell, the board — which was appointed last month — was joined by justice minister Helen McEntee and the Department of Justice’s secretary-general Oonagh McPhillips at Cuan’s offices for the occasion.

Mrs McEntee said: “At the time of their appointment, I commented on the breadth of experience and knowledge the members of Cuan’s board bring.

“I am very grateful to Professor Fennell and all the members of the board for their public service. I have no doubt they will guide and support Cuan in driving real and positive change for victims and survivors of domestic, sexual and gender based violence.

“We have a clear and shared ambition, across government and across society — zero tolerance for all forms of domestic sexual and gender-based violence and for the attitudes that underpin these unacceptable behaviours.

“Cuan has the mandate to drive that ambition and, working with the support of this strong and dedicated Board, will ensure that collectively, we all remain focused on delivering that ambition.”

Dr Stephanie O’Keeffe, CEO of Cuan, added: “I warmly welcome the board members to the Cuan offices today for the first board meeting. It is wonderful to have such a strong and experienced board in place.

“Their insights and expertise will support and guide Cuan in achieving our goals under the zero tolerance third national strategy and in driving the whole-of-government response to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.

“I look forward to working closely with them to ensure that Cuan’s strong mandate delivers real benefits for those experiencing or at risk of experiencing domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.”

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