DCU students help partner ex-prisoners with ice cream sellers

A project launched by DCU students is partnering ex-prisoners with Ben & Jerry’s to help provide them with work experience.
The successful Second Scoop project, part of the Enactus programme, is aimed at reducing recidivism by giving employment experience to people with a criminal record, the Irish Independent reports.
Explaining the project, Daniel Kyne from Second Scoop said it saw ex-prisoners serve B&J ice cream at corporate events and festivals.
He said: “We sell Ben & Jerry’s, the ex-prisoners come along and they get paid the living wage for their time and it also gives them a reference that they can go to future employers with.”
The project made an appearance at a corporate event for the first time in September and Mr Kyne is now looking for more Dublin-based companies to bring in Second Scoop once every one or two months.
At present, the group only works with non-violent ex-prisoners.