Department of Justice to complete sex work review itself

Department of Justice to complete sex work review itself

The Department of Justice is to complete a review of the law criminalising the purchase of sex by itself instead of appointing another independent consultant to finish the work.

Solicitor Maura Butler SC was appointed in 2020 to lead an independent review of Part 4 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017, as required within three years of it coming into effect.

However, the review has been repeatedly delayed and Ms Butler eventually agreed to step down from the role.

Last week, justice minister Helen McEntee said the Department had sought expressions of interest for a new study lead and subsequently considered “all options for concluding this work”.

“In view of the research already undertaken and the work done compiling and analysing the submissions received, all of which have been made available to my Department, I have decided that the most efficient way to complete the review is for the Data and Research Unit in my department to draft the report using the material provided,” she said.

“I believe this approach will ensure the review is completed without any further undue delay and I expect it will be completed by Q3 of this year.”

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