DLA Piper rolls out AI-powered anti-bribery service

Brian Hunt
DLA Piper has rolled out a new AI-powered tool designed to detect bribery risks within corporations.
The Aiscension Bribery service, powered by AI technology from Reveal, is trained by lawyers to detect the key forms of bribery behaviour including the giving or receiving of a bribe, circumventing internal procedures, kickbacks and facilitation payments.
The firm says the tool allows investigations or compliance reviews to be run 10 times faster, more accurately and cost effectively than any other option. The AI can identify patterns and anomalies in vast amounts of textual data in over 100 languages.
Brian Hunt, legal director at DLA Piper Ireland, said: “At DLA Piper, we have sought to harness the use of AI in a way that can bring real benefits to our clients. White-collar crime is becoming more common in Ireland, and the potential reputational damage to a business if faced with an allegation of bribery is significant.
“Aiscension Bribery can be deployed by firms to proactively identify and detect potential conduct of concern. Aiscension Bribery utilises the power of AI to analyse vast amounts of data in order to unearth potential and real breaches.
“This frees up time for our lawyers to give strategic advice and for clients to implement preventative measures.”
Wendell Jisa, founder and CEO of Reveal, added: “By combining DLA Piper’s deep legal knowledge with Reveal’s leading AI technology, we’ve created a solution that slashes investigation and compliance review times while enhancing accuracy and cost-effectiveness.
“Our AI software, trained by DLA Piper lawyers, identifies patterns and anomalies in vast amounts of textual data, to detect bribery behaviour and allow organizations to proactively address bribery risks, protect their operations, and safeguard their reputation.”