Drugs campaigner calls for “mini-CAB” to seize dealers’ assets

A campaigner against the drugs trade has called for the establishment of a “mini” Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) focussed on seizing the assets of drug dealers.
Sue Collins, founder of Addiction Response Crumlin (ARC), issued the call at the launch of new research into intimidation by drug dealers, The Irish Times reports.
The report, Demanding Money with Menace: Drug-related Intimidation and Community Violence in Ireland, finds that intimidation is widely under-reported to gardaí.
As many as two-thirds of people who are subject to intimidation do not report it to gardaí.
Ms Collins said seizing assets from figures involved in the drug trade would help address the impact of drug use on local communities by prevent organised criminals from becoming glamorised.
She said: “In Crumlin we have been calling for a local, mini-Cab to take the local ‘big boys’ out of circulation. The young people, they see how these people grow in prosperity from the drugs trade, how they have the new clothes, the cars, the foreign holidays.”