DSBA webinar on family court reform today

The Dublin Solicitors’ Bar Association (DSBA) is hosting a webinar on the Family Courts Bill 2022 this afternoon.
Cliona Costelloe, chairperson of the DSBA’s family law committee, will chair the discussion with Peter Doyle, chair of the Law Society’s child and family law committee, and former chairs Keith Walsh and Helen Coughlan.
Tickets for the event from 1pm–2pm today, Thursday 18 January 2024, can be purchased via the DSBA website.
Mr Walsh said: “This seminar is a must-view for anyone involved in the family justice system. Each contributor will deal with a different aspect of the bill and will provide a must-know summary of the bill. There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions via chat and at the end.”
“We have a top-class line-up, chaired by Cliona Costelloe, Law Society child and family law committee chairperson Peter Doyle (Wicklow) and Helen Coughlan (Kildare).
“While most of the reforms are welcome, the proposed transfer of most divorce and judicial separation cases from the Circuit to the District Court is a cause for concern and may undermine the other changes. We will be discussing this and more at the seminar.”