England and Wales: Judicial handbook on ‘equal treatment’ updated for first time since 2013

England and Wales: Judicial handbook on 'equal treatment' updated for first time since 2013

An updated handbook for judges in England and Wales on awareness and understanding of the different circumstances of people appearing in courts and tribunals has been published.

It is the first update to the Equal Treatment Bench Book by the Judicial College since 2013.

In particular, it includes new and expanded sections on litigants in person, refugees, modern slavery, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

The book provides practical guidance aimed at helping make the court experience more accessible for parties and witnesses who might be uncertain, fearful or feel unable to participate.

It also includes practical tips on communicating with those speaking English as a second language or through interpreters, communicating with people with mental disabilities, a guide to different naming systems, and the “latest views” on acceptable terminology.

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