EU justice heads meet in Vienna to tighten ‘security union’

Michael O'Flaherty, director of the FRA
Michael O’Flaherty, director of the FRA

Top EU representatives are gathering in Vienna to discuss how to integrate fundamental rights in the security union.

Today’s discussions are taking place during the annual meeting of the network of EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies, which is currently chaired by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

Michael O’Flaherty, director of the FRA, said: “Ensuring the safety of everyone in the EU is of critical importance. Security measures can only work if they are respectful of human rights and work with and not against all the communities that go to make up European society.

“We very much welcome this opportunity to discuss ways of increasing our capacity to combat terrorism and radicalisation, while remaining true to the rule of law and the values of openness and respect on which the EU is based.”

Sir Julian King, the EU’s security union commissioner, added: “I am convinced that the only effective way to tackle terrorism is firmly rooted in the respect of fundamental and human rights. You need to have the widest and fullest possible support across the community for your efforts if they are going to work.

“The best way of securing that support is to show that your efforts are firmly rooted in the respect of people’s rights. That’s what we’re trying to defend.”

Agency heads will meet Commissioner King, European Commission director generals and representatives from the European Parliament, EU Council and current and future EU Presidencies to discuss the implementation of EU security and migration policies.

Participants will also give practical examples of agency co-operation and how their collaboration can further support EU institutions and member states.

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