EU proposals for common corporation tax base to be brought forward

Revised proposals to establish a common system for calculating the tax base of businesses operating in the EU are expected to be brought forward by the European Commission in November.
The Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) was first proposed in 2011, and the Commission announced in June 2015 that it would bring forward more detailed proposals in 2016.
Now the Commission is planning to use its recent Apple tax ruling to reinforce the case for a common set of EU-wide corporation tax rules.
Proposals are expected to be tabled in November, the Irish Independent reports, and are widely expected to make it further than the largely-abandoned proposals from 2011.
The Commission states: “The CCCTB offers a holistic solution to the current problems with corporate taxation in the EU. It would greatly improve the business environment in the Single Market, by making it simpler and cheaper for companies to operate cross border.
“At the same time, it could serve as a powerful tool against corporate tax avoidance by removing the current mismatches between national systems and fixing common anti-avoidance provisions.”
A public consultation on the CCCTB closed in January 2016 after receiving 175 contributions and 28 other documents.