Evictions to be temporarily banned over winter

Residential landlords will not be able to evict tenants over the coming winter months under plans agreed by ministers today.
Housing minister Darragh O’Brien said new legislation would provide a temporary and conditional stay on tenancy terminations this winter, despite earlier suggestions by government figures that such a law would be unconstitutional.
The Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) Bill 2022 will defer no fault tenancy terminations that are due to occur during the coming winter months from taking effect until after 31 March 2023.
Mr O’Brien said: “The government is very aware of the increasing pressure on homeless services, the limited supply in the rental market and the struggles people are facing over the coming winter months.
“This temporary measure will protect renters who are facing homelessness by deferring any ‘no fault’ tenancy terminations from taking place this winter.
“We are also conscious of the impact of such measures on landlords, particularly our smaller or ‘accidental’ landlords and that is why we are ensuring that where a tenant wilfully withholds rent or engages in anti-social or criminal behaviour they will not be protected by this legislation.
“We will continue with the implementation of Housing for All and significantly increasing the supply of housing in this country.
“While this emergency measure is necessary and will provide assistance in the short term, the long term answer to our accommodation challenges remains an increased and sustainable supply of new housing.”