Extension to shock collar consultation

Extension to shock collar consultation

Minister for agriculture, food and the marine, Charlie McConalogue, has announced an extension to the public consultation on the question of whether the use on dogs and cats of electronic shock collars operated by hand-held remote controls should be banned in Ireland.

The use of these collars in dogs and cats has been banned in several European countries on the grounds of animal welfare.

The question of whether their use on dogs and cats in Ireland ought to be banned is under consideration by the Advisory Council for Companion Animal Welfare, which advises the minister on such matters.

This consultation relates only to the use on dogs and cats of electronic shock collars which are operated by a hand-held remote control. It does not relate to the use of collars which are part of a fencing/containment system to prevent straying or to anti-bark collars.

Submissions may be submitted by email to animalwelfare@agriculture.gov.ie. The deadline for submissions has been extended by three weeks from the original date of the 26 January to 16 February 2024.

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