Final DSBA Golf Society outing of the year coming up

The final outing this year for the Dublin Solicitors’ Bar Association Golf Society will take place in Dun Laoghaire Golf Club on Monday 28 August.
Colleagues from Liverpool and Belfast will join to compete for the Tripartite golf trophy, followed by a dinner in Dun Laoghaire Golf Club hosted by DSBA president Susan Martin.
The Society is open to all members of the DSBA and their guests, and the outings provide a fun and relaxing means of meeting with colleagues outside of the work environment.
Membership of the Society is €10 and payment is mandatory for all participants. Membership and attendance on previous outings will determine priority in the event that an outing is oversubscribed.
More information about joining the DSBA Golf Society and/or reserving a space for the 28th is available from the DSBA website.