Fiona Hurley appointed as CEO of migrant rights centre Nasc

Fiona Hurley
Immigration law expert Fiona Hurley has been appointed as the chief executive officer of Nasc, the Migrant and Refugee Rights Centre.
Ms Hurley has served as the NGO’s interim CEO since March 2022, having previously managed its legal advocacy service and later its policy and communications service.
She holds a BLC and a LLM from University College Cork as well as a diploma in leadership and management.
Ms Hurley has extensive experience in immigration and protection law as well as providing capacity building and training to organisations on immigration law and its intersection with housing, social welfare, education and health entitlements.
Dr Amanullah De Sondy, one of Nasc’s directors, said: “Fiona has already shown outstanding leadership in furthering our goal of empowering migrants to realise and fulfil their rights. Here’s to advancing further.”