NI: Fitzgerald publishes general scheme of judicial appointments bill

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald
Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has published the general scheme of a bill to replace the Judicial Appointments Advisory Board with a new Judicial Appointments Commission.

The Judicial Appointments Commission Bill 2016 provides for the creation of a commission, with a lay chairperson and a majority of lay members, which will be responsible for making recommendations to the Government for appointment to judicial office.

Three names will be recommended for a judicial vacancy and two additional names for each additional vacancy.

The commission will oversee all appointments to judicial office, including promotions from one court to another.

Ms Fitzgerald said: “This Bill will deliver on the commitments in the Programme for a Partnership Government to reform the system for judicial appointments.

“There was a significant input to the development of the reforms in the public consultations process in 2014 and I want to acknowledge the many constructive and helpful contributions that were received.

“The Scheme provides for a new Commission for Judicial Appointments, including a lay chair and a lay majority. The lay members of the Commission will be selected by the Public Appointments Service and the PAS will also select the Chairperson.

“The Scheme also refers to the desirability of both gender balance and diversity based on the population among the judiciary, and among those who are selected to be lay members of the Commission.

“I look forward to working with members of the Oireachtas Justice Committee on progressing this legislation and the reform of the judicial appointments process in line with the Programme for Partnership Government.

“Finally I would say that we are fortunate to have Ireland a strong, independent, impartial and well respected judiciary and these reforms will ensure this continues.”

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