Foyle Family Justice Centre opens doors in Derry

The new Foyle Family Justice Centre, aimed at supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse, has opened its doors in Derry.
Developed by Foyle Women’s Aid, the project will provide a range of services to those affected by domestic abuse including crisis intervention, emergency accommodation, case management and self-sufficiency programmes.
The building brings relevant personnel from key agencies together in a single location to support victims of domestic abuse. Those services will be available to both men and women.
Justice minister Naomi Long said: “I welcome the launch of this innovative facility today. The Foyle Family Justice Centre will provide benefits to help support victims. We know that victims having support is an important factor in reducing attrition rates in domestic abuse cases going through the criminal justice system.
“By working together as partners, agencies and communities we want to achieve real, sustainable progress to prevent domestic abuse and ensure that those affected get support.
“I believe that this the centre is a positive step forward for victims of domestic abuse and I would like to thank everyone involved for the hard work and commitment invested in the development of the project.”
Communities minister Deirdre Hargey said: “Those fleeing domestic violence are in an incredibly vulnerable situation and need to know that support is available. Having a safe, secure and comfortable place to live is a priority.
“This centre includes emergency accommodation when it is needed most. Importantly the centre will also provide a high quality, co-ordinated multi-agency response to domestic violence. Victims will be supported in determining the best solution for them and their family with a range of professionals co-located onsite to ensure a simplified and more accessible approach for victims.
“My Department has provided funding of over £1.6m to help deliver this innovative new facility. It is a demonstration of my commitment to ensuring that services and support are available for victims of domestic violence.
“No one should have to suffer from threats of violence or domestic abuse, support is available. I am committed to do all that I can to ensure the most vulnerable in our society are supported and protected.”