NI: Francis Hanna & Co partner contributes to magazine on domestic violence

Claire Edgar
Claire Edgar

Claire Edgar, partner at Francis Hanna & Co Solicitors, has contributed an article on domestic violence to the latest edition of VIEW magazine.

Ms Edgar, a family law partner at the Belfast-based firm, offers a legal perspective in a new issue focussing on domestic violence and published in collaboration with Women’s Aid NI.

Her article provides legal commentary on how the Northern Ireland courts can assist victims of domestic violence through the Family Homes and Domestic Violence (NI) Order 1998.

Ms Edgar said: “I was delighted to have been asked to contribute to this important edition of VIEW on the whole area of domestic abuse.

“For many years in my professional career, I have advised and assisted both men and women in respect of issues arising from domestic abuse and have worked closely with organisation such as Women’s Aid in supporting the need for further protection within our justice system for those who have been the victims of domestic abuse.

“More work must be done in Northern Ireland in terms of developing the law surrounding domestic abuse and how the Court supports and assists victims and it is hoped that the new proposed legislation surrounding coercive control in England and Wales will be implemented into law here in Northern Ireland in due course.”

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