NI: Health Minister announces public inquiry into Muckamore Abbey Hospital

NI: Health Minister announces public inquiry into Muckamore Abbey Hospital

Claire McKeegan

Health Minister Robin Swann has announced that he is calling a statutory public inquiry into the abuse reported at Muckamore Abbey Hospital.

The inquiry follows two reports into the abuse at the hospital, and comes alongside an ongoing major police investigation.

In a statement released by the Department of Health, Mr Swann said: “I want to take this opportunity to once again put on record my apologies on behalf of the health and social care system to patients and families who have been let down by failure to protect patients from abuse.

“But families want more than apologies. They want and need and deserve answers as to why this happened and how it was allowed to happen – and I hope that the public inquiry I have announced today will give them those answers.

“I cannot find words to adequately describe the scale of this betrayal of trust, this scandal.”

“This is a sad chapter in the history of health and social care services in Northern Ireland and, in particular both the Belfast Trust and Muckamore Abbey Hospital.

“They have failed in their duty to protect these patients, they have failed in their duty to the family members. This abuse should never have happened and I will do all that I can to make sure it never happens again.

“That is why I am announcing a statutory public inquiry into the events at Muckamore Abbey Hospital.”

Solicitor Claire McKeegan of Phoenix Law, who represents Muckamore families, told The Irish News: “Given that a governance review showed three Muckamore staff refused to cooperate, it’s critical that this inquiry has all the powers to compel witnesses and documents in order to get to full truth.”

Mr Swann added that the “immediate priority for Muckamore remains the safety and stability of care provided there” and said “there is a clear need to transform services for adults with learning disabilities in Northern Ireland and work is being taken forward through the transformation agenda to develop a new service model for learning disability services.”

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