Holmes appoints Geoffrey Fung to oversee Chinese business

Holmes appoints Geoffrey Fung to oversee Chinese business

Geoffrey Fung

Holmes has appointed solicitor Geoffrey Fung to head the firm’s Chinese business unit.

Mr Fung, who joined the firm last year, is qualified as a solicitor in Hong Kong, England and Wales, and Ireland.

Prior to joining Holmes, he practised as a solicitor in Hong Kong with an independent Hong Kong law firm and also with an offshore ‘magic circle’ firm, during which he was also on secondment in the British Virgin Islands.

He has extensive experience on a wide range of commercial litigation and dispute resolution matters, as well as a deep understanding of China’s legal and business environment.

He is a native English and Cantonese Chinese speaker, and business proficient in Mandarin Chinese, and has extensive experience with assisting and representing clients from China and the wider Asian region on legal matters.

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