HOMS Solicitors judge mock trial at Gaeilge school

HOMS Solicitors judge mock trial at Gaeilge school

Staff at HOMS Solicitors took part in a mock trial organised by Transition Year students at Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh in Limerick.

TY student Hugh Gallagher suggested organising the mock trial after being inspired to share what he had learned through his participation in the HOMS Solicitors Transition Year Programme in March.

Solicitor Kevin Hegarty from HOMS played the role of judge.

HOMS praised the students: “As students played their parts, witnesses were cross-examined, barristers made their opening and closing statements and the jury retired to decide on the fate of the accused.

“It was clear that all of the students had worked very hard to prepare for the trial, and when the verdict was read out, justice was served!”

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