Ireland criticised for failing to implement anti-corruption measures

Ireland has been criticised for failing to implement recommendations relating to corruption prevention in respect of politicians, judges and prosecutors.

In a new report, the Council of Europe’s anti-corruption body, GRECO, said Ireland had fully implemented just three of 11 recommendations included in a 2014 evaluation report.

A further three recommendations have been partly implemented.

The report concludes that Ireland has an “overall very low level of compliance with the recommendations” and asks Ireland to report again on progress by 31 March 2018 at the latest.

Commenting, Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan said the report is “obviously disappointing”, but insisted he was committed to “achieving a significantly better result next time around”.

Mr Flanagan continued: “With that in mind, I am establishing a Senior Officials Compliance Committee to ensure we make important progress over the next nine months. The Public Sector Standards Bill, which is being progressed through the Houses by my colleague Minister Paschal Donohoe will address most of the issues in relation to members of Parliament while the enactment of the Judicial Appointments Commission Bill and the Judicial Council Bill will address most of GRECO’s concerns regarding the Judiciary.”

Mr Flanagan also said new anti-corruption legislation, the Criminal Justice (Corruption Offences) Bill, will be published “very soon”.

It will repeal and replace the seven previous Prevention of Corruption Acts 1889 to 2010 and will introduce some additional offences.

The bill will clarify the liability of corporate bodies for corruption offences and extend the range of penalties available to a court when a person is convicted to include forfeiture of public office in certain circumstances.

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