Ireland to ratify OPCAT by 2023 under prisons inspectorate strategy

Patricia Gilheaney
Plans to allow Ireland to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT) by 2023 form part of the prison inspectorate’s first-ever strategic plan.
The Office of the Inspector of Prisons yesterday published a three-year strategic plan for the period up to and including 2023, which prisons inspector Patricia Gilheaney said will provide “a strong framework for the continuing development of the Inspectorate, and the vision and strategic ambition to guide our work”.
The two key elements of the strategy are the delivery of a comprehensive programme of prison inspections and the State’s pending requirements in respect of ratifying OPCAT.
Justice Minister Helen McEntee said: “I very much welcome the development of this important publication by the Inspector of Prisons. The Inspector of Prisons, whose independence in the exercise of her functions is provided for by law, plays a vital role in ensuring effective independent oversight of our prison system.”