Irish council seeks permission to ‘name and shame’ dog foulers

A local authority is seeking permission to “name and shame” people convicted of dog fouling offences in an Irish first.
Members of Cork County Council have written to the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment to seek approval for the move, the Irish Examiner reports.
The department had previously advised councillors against circulated the names of those successfully prosecuted for dog fouling on either the council’s website or to the media in a regular bulletin.
Fine Gael councillor John Paul O’Shea said the number of successful prosecutions by the council had reached “double-digits” so far this year and the council should be allowed to publicise the identity of offenders.
He compared the proposal to the lists of closure orders published by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, as well as prosecutions information circulated by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) and the ISPCA.