Irish Prison Service wins praise at international prison conference

Michael Donnellan
Michael Donnellan

The director general of the Irish Prison Service (IPS) has been named Head of Service at an international prison conference.

Michael Donnellan was given the accolade at the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) conference in London, attended by delegates from over 80 countries.

Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan warmly congratulated Mr Donnellan (pictured) on the “well deserved” award, adding that the award “reflects very well” on the Irish Prison Service as a whole.

Mr Flanagan added: “Michael has overseen the implementation of Government policy in a number of areas. This includes a more joined up approach to the management of offenders as reflected in the first Joint Strategy on Offender Management agreed between my Department, An Garda Síochána, the Probation Service and the Irish Prison Service that has been operating since September 2016.

“Michael has also led the IPS in the improvement of the infrastructure of the prison estate, which has led to the near abolition of ‘slopping out’. Other initiatives have led to a reduction in the number of prisoners on restricted regime and compliance with the UN ‘Mandela Rules’ in relation to solitary confinement.

“Michael has also been to the forefront in the introduction of rehabilitative initiatives in conjunction with the Probation Service, the aim of which is to protect the public and make Irish society safer.”

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