Judge warns halt on judicial appointments would be ‘disastrous’

Judge warns halt on judicial appointments would be 'disastrous'

Putting a halt on judicial appointments until the system is reformed would be “disastrous” for Ireland’s courts, a High Court judge has said.

Mr Justice John Edwards, secretary of the Association of Judges of Ireland (AJI), told The Irish Times that the association recognised the need for reform.

However, he added: “Our main concern is that it should not be rushed. It needs to be properly thought out but you can’t put all appointments on hold, in the meantime, because the system would grind to a halt if that happened.”

Independent TD and Transport Minister Shane Ross earlier said that Ireland had “appointed the last judges under the old system”.

Mr Ross, who has long pushed for reform, said the Government had made commitments to replace the existing Judicial Appointments Advisory Board with a new judicial appointments commission.

He said the heads of a judicial appointments bill will be published by Christmas and the bill will be passed as soon as possible.

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