King’s Inns Law Review welcomes submissions for Volume VII

The King’s Inns Law Review (KILR) is currently accepting submissions of articles, case notes or commentaries for its seventh volume.
A prize will be awarded for the best article published in Volume VII, which invites submissions until 1 June 2017 on topics that “in some way critically analyse where the law stands at the moment and endeavour to suggest the direction we are moving”.
Submissions can be on any legal topic, but the committee is particularly interested in articles on “the developing legal jurisprudence in the areas of gender issues, domestic implementation of international obligations, responses to corporate offences, sexual offences, crime affecting personal safety, privacy and reputation, including cyber-bullying and our response to serious violent crime”.
Articles must be between 5,000 and 12,000 words (including footnotes). Case notes and commentaries may be shorter. All submission must conform to the OSCOLA Ireland Referencing Format (which can be found here) and be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
The closing date for submission is 1 June 2017.
Submissions should be sent to