KRW Law welcomes re-opening of Birmingham bombing inquest

Belfast firm KRW Law has welcomed the decision to resume the inquests into the Birmingham pub bombings of 1974.
Louise Hunt, the senior coroner for Birmingham and Solihull, said: “There is a wealth of evidence that still has not been heard - I have decided the inquest should resume.”
She rejected a submission from West Midlands Police, who claimed she did not have jurisdiction to hear the inquests.
The double bombing on 21 November 1974 led to 21 fatalities and injured a further 182 people.
Ms Hunt heard evidence that police had missed two potential warnings ahead of the attacks.
KRW Law is acting on behalf of a number of victims’ families and said it hopes the inquests will “provide answers to those who seek them and the delivery of justice, truth and accountability so long delayed”.
In a press release, the firm added: “We hope that her decision is not subject to further judicial review.”
Kevin Winters, senior partner at KRW Law, said: “This is an important decision for the families of the victims of the Birmingham Pub Bombings 1974. KRW LAW LLP and our counsel are proud to be able to assist in this matter in bringing this application before the Senior Coroner for Birmingham and Solihull and we welcome her decision.
“Only through an independent and human rights compliant mechanism of investigation can the answers to the many questions surrounding the Birmingham Pub Bombings 1974 can be asked and answered. That is now possible.”