Landlords breaching rent laws to face criminal sanction under new bill

Government Buildings
Landlords breaching rent pressure zones legislation will face criminal sanction under new legislation expected to be approved by Cabinet today.
The Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill will increase the powers of the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) in response to concerns that rent pressure zones are not adequately enforced, the Irish Independent reports.
Landlords breaching the rules will face a criminal sanction, a fine of up to €15,000, and could have to pay the costs of an RTB investigation up to €15,000.
The bill will also prevent landlords exploiting provisions allowing for people to be evicted for substantial renovations to be carried out, and will criminalise landlords who do not adhere to a new definition of “substantial change” to a property.
Tenants living in a property for more than a year will be entitled to four months’ notice to quit.