Law Reform Commission seeks views on criminal injuries compensation

Proposals to reform the compensation scheme for victims of violent crime and place it on a statutory basis have been put out for consultation by the Law Reform Commission.
The consultation paper, published today, examines the nature of awards of criminal injuries compensation; who is eligible to receive compensation; how the criminal injuries compensation process operates; who should make decisions on compensation awards and what a reformed statutory scheme should look like.
The present criminal injuries compensation scheme is administered by the Department of Justice, with decisions on compensation made by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal.
The paper provides an outline of the scheme’s procedures and its development over time, as well as the origin of state-funded victim compensation schemes internationally.
It also provides the context in which such schemes were established and continue to operate, and traces the development and recognition of victim’s rights, particularly the binding legal obligations that arise for EU member states in various directives.
The 10-week consultation seeks views on a number of questions concerning the key issues under consideration. A series of consultative events will also be organised over the coming months.