Law Society: Domestic Violence Bill protections not strong enough

Ken Murphy
Ken Murphy

The Law Society of Ireland has expressed concerns that protections outlined in the Government’s Domestic Violence Bill are inadequate, inflexible and fail to address UN recommendations on legal aid contributions in domestic violence cases.

In its submission to the Department of Justice, the Law Society welcomed measures to better protect the safety of vulnerable parties in domestic violence cases, but stressed the bill did not go far enough.

Ken Murphy, director general of the Law Society, said domestic violence cases “are some of the most heart-wrenching and difficult briefs a solicitor can work on”.

Mr Murphy continued: “It is said that one in five women in Ireland who have been in a relationship have been abused by a current or former partner, and evidence shows there is a growing trend in men reporting being abused as well.

“Every day our members support those vulnerable people within our community who have suffered domestic violence. We want to ensure that their voice is heard and their concerns are considered in this Bill.”

“The present Bill does not go far enough in protecting the safety and rights of victims particularly in cases where there are immediate risks to welfare. We would call for the Gardai to be given expanded powers to issue interim barring or emergency orders.”

The Society has made eight recommendations that aim to clarify anomalies in the domestic violence area and to improve protections.

Mr Murphy said: “We would also call for the Bill to cover those in relationships but not cohabiting, and even consider the circumstances of those under 18 years of age that may be in abusive relationships.”

The Law Society also backed the introduction of a specific definition of domestic violence, which was ruled out by former Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald, and the removal of barriers to access to civil legal aid services by victims of domestic violence.

Mr Murphy concluded: “Solicitors are often at the frontline of domestic violence cases in Ireland, and it is our belief that the Bill can be improved significantly through a number of simple changes – simple changes that may literally save or change lives.”

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