Law Society: Government must implement UN disability convention

Ken Murphy
Ken Murphy

The Law Society of Ireland has called on the Government to prioritise implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), ten years after Ireland signed the treaty.

It made the call yesterday to coincide with the International Day for Persons with Disabilities.

Ken Murphy, Law Society director general, said: “The Irish Government signed the UNCRPD 10 years ago but still has to ratify it. At last count, 175 countries have ratified it and even the European Union itself has taken the profound step of ratifying it.

“Ireland is the only country in the European Union yet to ratify the UNCRPD – and we believe there are no legal grounds impeding ratification. The Directive does not create new rights, but rather consolidates existing rights in one comprehensive treaty.

“The UNCPRD is one of the most significant human rights treaties in decades, and will require a whole-of-government approach to implementation. To this end, it makes sense that the responsibility and oversight for this should reside with the Department of Taoiseach.”

Mr Murphy (pictured) added: “We acknowledge that the Minister for Disabilities, Finian McGrath, has been a long-term advocate for disability rights in this country, and has stated an intention for the Government to ratify the UNCPRD by the end of the year – but here we are in December and ratification remains outstanding.

“What we are talking about here is the failure of the State to acknowledge, in an international treaty, basic human rights for our citizens with disabilities.”

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