Law student Naomi Foale leads prize-winners at Trinity College Law Review

Naomi Foale
Law student Naomi Foale emerged as the biggest winner as the Trinity College Law Review announced its 2020 prize-winners.
Ms Foale’s article, Back to the Future: How Well Equipped is Irish Employment Equality Law to Adapt to Artificial Intelligence?, discusses “classification bias” within employment algorithms, and warns of the wide adoption of such practices in the future.
She won the prize for Best Article, with a cash prize of €500 sponsored by Reddy Charlton, and the prize for Best IP/IT Article, with a cash prize of €250 sponsored by A&L Goodbody.
Blánaid Ní Chearnaigh won the Conor Ringland Prize for the Best Social Justice Article, sponsored by Trinity FLAC, and the Arthur Cox Foundation Prize for Best Irish Article.
Her article, Éagóir Nó Ceartas?Táithí na n-Íospartach i gCóras Corónach na hÉireann agus Moltaí D’Athchóiriú i Léith Chearta an Duine, was published in both Irish and English and discusses the need for appropriate legislative reform of the Irish coronial system, exploring contentious areas in which the system is engaged, including maternal deaths, deaths in custody, and deaths involving the use of lethal force.
Diljá Helgadóttir won the Matheson Prize for Best Commercial Law Article, with a €250 cash prize, for her article investigating the compliance of financial regulations with data protection procedures.
Kevin Keane was named the inaugural winner of the David Altaras Best Public Policy Article Prize for his article, Geo-Engineering the Climate: A Preliminary Examination of International Governance Challenges and Opportunities, receiving a €500 cash prize.
Jack Counihan, a recent graduate of Law and German at TCD, won the German-Irish Lawyers and Business Association (GILBA) Prize for Best German Language Article for his article on reform of hate speech law in both Ireland and Germany.
Jane Reddin won Best French Language Article for her article comparing collective labour law in Ireland and France, receiving the opportunity to undertake an internship at one of France’s superior courts, the Conseil d’Etat.
Iona Murfitt won the Gernot Biehler Casenote Competition her article R v McCarthy: How Body Modification Made Us Rethink Our Need to Modify the Law. The competition, founded in memory of Dr Gernot Biehler, a distinguished fellow of the law school, is awarded to the best casenote by a first or second year student.