Lawyers praised for raising over €110,000 for Capuchin Day Centre

Constance Cassidy SC
Lawyers who have raised over €110,000 for the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People have received a letter of thanks for their fundraising.
Lawyers Against Homelessness (LAH), a collaborative effort between barristers and solicitors, has raised the remarkable sum in the less than two years since it was established in late 2017.
The group organises charity CPD events, with the next event on Thursday 27 June set to hear from the Chief Justice of Ireland, Mr Justice Frank Clarke.
Brother Kevin Crowley of the Capuchin Day Centre wrote to LAH co-founder Constance Cassidy SC to thank her for her efforts.
He wrote: “To date this initiative has raised in excess of €110,000.00 in funding towards our work with the less well off in our society. The success of this ongoing venture is testament to the hard work and dedication that both yourself and your team have shown since its inception.
“We are currently providing, free of charge, over three hundred breakfasts and three hundred and fifty lunches on a daily basis, to the homeless and marginalised in our society, six days a week. Each week we distribute in the region of eighteen hundred food parcels. We also provide medical, dental, optical and personal hygiene facilities.
“Without the kindness and support of people like your good selves it would not be possible for us to continue to provide the same high standard of help and assistance to the most needy and vulnerable in Irish society.”
You can find out more about Lawyers Against Homelessness on LinkedIn.