Leman Solicitors collaborates on video series about LGBT+ inclusion in sport

Larry Fenelon
Leman Solicitors has collaborated with the DCU Centre of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion on a new video series about LGBTQI+ inclusion in sport.
Larry Fenelon, partner and head of litigation at Leman Solicitors, tackles the intersection of sport, law and inclusion in one of the first videos now online.
Dr Tanya Ní Mhuirthile, assistant professor of law at DCU, explains what the ‘plus’ in LGBTQI+ stands for in another video.
More videos in the #PrideInSport2020 series, supported by the GAA and the Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), will appear over the course of June, including one with Morgan Crowe, associate in the data protection and dispute resolution team at Leman Solicitors.
The videos will feature insights and expertise from legal and academic experts as well as personal stories from individuals, diversity and inclusion organisations and sporting organisations who have implemented proactive policies to support members.
Mr Fenelon said: “It is important that our national sporting governing bodies do more and do better to promote inclusion. Doing this right goes beyond having a protocol for inclusion, it requires active support and implementation on the ground. With only 15 per cent of sporting clubs in Ireland having a fit-for-purpose grievance procedure, there is much work to be done.”