NI: Madden & Finucane present Pat Finucane Aisling Bursary

Madden & Finucane Solicitors has congratulated Pól Murphy on receiving the Pat Finucane Aisling Bursary this year.
The Aisling Bursaries are designed to help students from West Belfast defray their education and training costs.
Special consideration is given to candidates who have significant barriers preventing them from realising their full potential through education, for example economic or family circumstances.
Peter Madden (Jnr) of Madden & Finucane Solicitors presented the bursary to Mr Murphy at St Mary’s University College last week
Mr Madden (Jnr) told Irish Legal News: “Investing in the youth of the local community is vitally important and we are proud to have contributed in each of the eighteen years that the Aisling Bursary has been operating. We are delighted to present the Pat Finucane award to Pól Murphy and wish him the very best in his future progression.”